East Kilbride Fair Trade Group
East Kilbride Fairtrade Group Meeting Thursday 3rd July 2008
at the Murray Owen Centre from 7:30-9:30pm
Welcome, introductions and apologies
Feedback from cheese and wine event, press etc.
Update on FT Signage etc.
FT in School Curriculum - update by our councillors and schools reps.
EK FT Website - Iain from SL College.
Progress on activities in our programme - Football competition, etc.
Date of next meeting.
About the East Kilbride Fairtrade Group 
The East Kilbride Fairtrade Group was set up in 2005 to promote the move towards East Kilbride becoming designed a Fairtrade Town. East Kilbride’s journey to Fairtrade status began in 2005 when local woman Kirsten Robb, who had worked in Tanzania, persuaded a bus load of East Kilbride people to travel through to Edinburgh to attend the Make Poverty History rally.
Kirsten later arranged a public meeting at East Kilbride Arts Centre to bring the issue to the fore and two months later the East Kilbride Fairtrade Group was formed.
The honour of "Fairtrade Town" was bestowed on the town by the Fairtrade Foundation at a special reception in the Civic Centre council chambers in February 2008, at the beginning of Fairtrade Week.
The reception also recognised the work of the campaigners, teachers, businesses, cafes, church members, football teams, and library staff.
Speaking of the award of Fairtrade status, the chair of East Kilbride Fairtrade Group, Joan Wright, said “We are delighted and would like to thank everyone who has helped.
The group has convinced a number of local traders throughout the town to stock Fairtrade produce, exceeding the minimum number of premises required to apply for Fairtrade status.
Contact Information for East Kilbride Fairtrade Group
- Kirsten Robb telephone 07963273209 e-mail
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